A few weeks ago I was reading Matthew 22:37-39 and noticed Jesus is giving us three commands to live by, not just two. Love God. Love Us. Love People. I had always been familiar with the phrase “Love God. Love People.” but it never dawned on me that to really “love your neighbor” is to really love yourself”. And then I asked myself, “Do I even love myself unconditionally?” Unfortunately, the answer was no.

See, I can be pretty tough on myself, not giving myself much grace sometimes when I mess up, say the wrong thing, don’t accomplish much etc. But God is so good and patient. He showed me these three commands at the perfect timing. When He did, I prayed “God, teach me how to love myself unconditionally, and see myself through your eyes, so that I can truly love others unconditionally.” And do you know that I’ve already begun to see changes in how I treat myself?Tired Girl For example, yesterday I was so tired that I barely accomplished anything except maybe one thing on my TO-DO list, but instead of getting upset and frustrated at myself, I told myself “It’s okay to rest. Resting is good. I am proud of you Katya for trying your best today and accomplishing this one thing.”

Also, I’ve noticed that I’m seeing others and treating others with more love than I had just a few weeks ago. It’s amazing.  So princesses, ask God to teach you to love yourself unconditionally… that no matter what you do or don’t do, your love for yourself is so beautiful and full, just like how God loves and sees you.

Matthew 22:37-39 ESV:

And he said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.