I’m excited! Today, we officially finished our second year at TAYP.

Also, I’m surprised we made it this far.


In 2013, when God asked me to start this blog, I promised Him I would do it only for a year. That’s all. One year.

There were so many times I wanted to stop writing that year, but I kept remembering my promise, and I stuck to it. I am so thankful I didn’t quit.

One year has turned into two, and can I say, it has been such a joy writing to you all. Definitely an adventure, but in the midst of the challenges, there has been joy.

I’ve also found myself praying more.

My Weekly Prayer Life

1. Oh dear God… I don’t know what to write! Please, give me something this week.
2. I’m sorry, God. This should be in your timing not mine.
3. But God, why am I doing this? I don’t think anyone reads my blog except my mom and maybe my grandma.
4. Well, even if they are the only ones reading it, it’s still worth it to write. Right?
5. *Sometime later in the week* Thank you God! I have an idea for the next post.
6. *After sitting down to write* Oh dear Jesus! Help! I don’t know how in the world I’m supposed to write this…

True story.

All jokes aside, I really enjoy writing, but Lord knows I am so lost without Him. By the way, I do pray for you all too. I pray for my words to bless and encourage you. I pray for your future, your families and your relationships. I pray for your dreams.

Mostly, I pray you would fall in love with God more and more each day because when it all comes down to it, this is the root of this blog.

For you to fall in love with the King and know the love He has for you.
For you to receive the inheritance you have as His daughter.
For you to know you are a princess in a never ending love story.

Every week God answers my prayers with simply, “I love them, daughter. This is why you write because I love my princesses. Tell them about Me. Tell them about our story.

Princesses, writing is not exactly my “forte” but I face my fears, I seek Him every week for words, I pray for the courage to be vulnerable because… God loves you and in the middle of all the craziness of life, He wants you to be reminded of His love. He wants you to be reminded you are a princess.

Through my little posts, on my little blog, on the internet somewhere.

TAYP vs. The Internet

So, thank you mom and grandma (and whoever else may be reading). Here’s to another year together! One full of joy, adventures, and so much goodness from our Papa.

Always with love,

p.s. Remember that one time⎯a minute ago⎯when I wrote how I post every week? Actually, I haven’t written for more than a month. Yikes! I’m sorry. Although, good news is a new post is on it’s way! It’ll be here soon, so keep on the look out.