The Communal Pursuit of God - To All You Princesses

The Communal Pursuit of God

I met with a girl today who had spent a year studying abroad. During her time away, she expressed to me how empty she felt during that time. It was hard to find a church family where she was located—especially in a primarily atheist nation (I am purposely omitting the name). As much as she…

Fear or Faith - To All You Princesses

Fear or Faith

Since I was in middle school, I’ve had a secret desire to start my own bible study. I loved the idea of girls coming together, reading together, and sharing their lives with one another. Bible studies to me were like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants… but better. Still, even though I’ve wanted to do…

Being You vs Bringing You - To All You Princesses

Being You vs Bringing You

Lately I’ve noticed I tend to struggle with being independent and trying to do it all on my own. I’m not good with asking for help, reaching out, letting other’s strengths help me in my weakness. It’s bad, I know. The body of Christ is all about inter-dependence, not independence. Meaning, we are individually ourselves,…

Happy 1st Anniversary to TAYP!

It has been quite a year! When I first started this blog I did not consider myself to be a writer. I only knew I had been given a dream about writing a blog for girls/women. Thankfully, I am a web designer and knew how to make that happen on the technical side, but in…

Restored Family

God Wants to Restore Your Family

“God Wants to Restore Your Family” is what I posted on Instagram this week. Now when I say “restore,” I’m not talking about just bringing separated parents back together or siblings moving back home, although I’m not saying He won’t do that either. I believe God wants to do something deeper than just physically restoring…

Warrior Princess

A Thought on Thoughts

Last week was Thanksgiving and it was DELICIOUS (the food, not the holiday). I made some yummy vegan/gluten-free dishes, Baked Veggies & Quinoa and Pasta with Spinach. So good and healthy too! I’m actually going to post the recipes soon for both of them. I tried doing this Pumpkin Bar dessert thing… it came out….interestingly, so let’s…