When Giants Are Living In Your Promised Land - To All You Princesses (www.toallyouprincesses.com)

When Giants Are Living In Your Promised Land

God has been having me focus on the book of Hebrews lately. I like digging deeper and studying books of the Bible, letting my heart wrestle with different passages, pondering the words of God, and giving the Holy Spirit space to teach me His word.

As I study Hebrews this week, there is one particular passage I can’t seem to get over. It’s the last two verses of chapter three.

Oak Tree In Full Leaf In Summer Standing Alone

When I Learned to Have Joy in My Suffering

The seed contains the blessings of life. It is so small, so frail, yet it produces vegetables, fruit, trees, flowers – all wonderful nutrition from which we thrive. However, does the seed know this when we plant it in the ground? Does it understand how strong and beautiful it will be after its season under…


Love Lessons: My First Relationship

Looking back at the year 2014, I wanted to share with you an area of my life where God did some tremendous training – my first relationship. Being in a relationship is a lot different than we are conditioned to believe. Many TV shows and movies portray relationships that involve drama, lying, betrayal, and love…

Restored Family

God Wants to Restore Your Family

“God Wants to Restore Your Family” is what I posted on Instagram this week. Now when I say “restore,” I’m not talking about just bringing separated parents back together or siblings moving back home, although I’m not saying He won’t do that either. I believe God wants to do something deeper than just physically restoring…