A Letter About Your Calling - To All You Princesses (www.toallyouprincesses.com)

A Letter About Your Calling

First, I want you to know that you are special and you can have amazing encounters with God daily. You are never so lost that God cannot use your life to do beautiful things. You are found in Him. (Colossians 3:2-3) Second, I’d like to talk to you about your calling…

Not With Eloquence But With Christ - To All You Princesses

Not With Eloquence But With Christ

Though I love to write to you, do you know that sometimes I don’t feel qualified to write at all? It’s true. It’s a lie I battle every time my fingers hit the keyboard. “You don’t know what you are talking about, “ comes the evil hiss, “You’ve never been to a seminary school, you’ve…

Love Yourself Unconditionally

A few weeks ago I was reading Matthew 22:37-39 and noticed Jesus is giving us three commands to live by, not just two. Love God. Love Us. Love People. I had always been familiar with the phrase “Love God. Love People.” but it never dawned on me that to really “love your neighbor” is to…

You Can Trust God With Your Heart

You Can Trust God With Your Heart

Today on Instagram I posted “You Can Trust God With Your Heart”. I am going to share some of my testimony today that talks about this. I was raised by my mom and grandma. Growing up, my dad did not play a big part in my life. When I was little I saw him more…

Warrior Princess

A Thought on Thoughts

Last week was Thanksgiving and it was DELICIOUS (the food, not the holiday). I made some yummy vegan/gluten-free dishes, Baked Veggies & Quinoa and Pasta with Spinach. So good and healthy too! I’m actually going to post the recipes soon for both of them. I tried doing this Pumpkin Bar dessert thing… it came out….interestingly, so let’s…