This morning was wild. I woke-up with my mom telling me she had to take my godmother to the hospital because she was experiencing extreme vertigo. Five hours later, my mom returned only to get a phone call from my grandma telling us she thought she might be having a stroke. It turns out she…
Dealing with Rejection (Part 1)
Today I am going to start a new series called “Dealing with Rejection”. Rejection has many faces. It showed itself in the moment you discovered the school application you sent out was denied. When your friends made plans and forgot to invite you. When your crush ignored your friend request on Facebook. When you were…
“I Will Wait For You” by MissTerious Janette…ikz
Our “Examining Love” series is now finished and I want to take a moment to honor the four women who shared. You all are amazing and I thank you for being vulnerable and showing us what it looks like to let go and let God teach you how to really love in relationships. It was…