God Called Me A Pineapple. - To All You Princesses (www.toallyouprincesses.com)

God Called Me A Pineapple.

Today, I’m going to share something God has been teaching me. If you don’t know, I went back to school last year, and I’m working towards my Master’s degree in teaching international languages. I know it sounds fancy but you see, I never wanted to go back to school. I’ve been (mostly) happy working from home as a web designer these past seven years. Who would have thought I would want to change careers? I never saw it coming, to suddenly have such a strong desire to go back to school and become an English teacher. Well, God is full of surprises. So, here I am, finding a way to roll through this season.

Love Yourself Unconditionally

A few weeks ago I was reading Matthew 22:37-39 and noticed Jesus is giving us three commands to live by, not just two. Love God. Love Us. Love People. I had always been familiar with the phrase “Love God. Love People.” but it never dawned on me that to really “love your neighbor” is to…