Regret can be a prison for the mind. “If Only” comes around and goes around and speaks to the places you hurt, where you feel weak, alone, scared and it tells you if only you had chosen differently, maybe things would be better. Maybe if you had made different choices God wouldn’t be so disappointed. Maybe you wouldn’t have hurt so many people. Maybe you would be successful by now. Maybe you would be married. Maybe you wouldn’t feel alone. If only… if only you could erase the past and do it all over again.
A Real Guy Honors and Respects You
A photo posted by To All You Princesses (@toallyouprincesses) Princesses, do you feel worthy of God’s best for you? Do you know your value as the King’s daughter? You may desire to be in a relationship with a guy who honors and respects you, but you first have to know that you are worthy of…
God Wants to Restore Your Family
“God Wants to Restore Your Family” is what I posted on Instagram this week. Now when I say “restore,” I’m not talking about just bringing separated parents back together or siblings moving back home, although I’m not saying He won’t do that either. I believe God wants to do something deeper than just physically restoring…
New Year Dreams (not just Resolutions)
Welcome to 2014! Welcome to new goals, new relationships, new opportunities, new ways to express yourself and new dreams. The beginning of every year tends to makes us reflect on our previous year. What did I accomplish? What could I have done better? What major events happened? It’s easy during this week to look back…