For those of you who are in a new chapter, who are taking their first step into a new season in life, who are embarking on uncharted territory—this one is for you. 1. You do not need to see the top of the mountain before you begin the climb. Sweet princess, it is okay if…
God Calls You This
A few days after returning from Brazil, God gave me this poem and I am going to share it with you all. I’m praying it encourages you and breaks any lie you have heard or believed about yourself. Your words do not define me. Your labels are not who I am. I am not my…
Just Be Yourself: A Bit of My Testimony
Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Choose your words, for they will become your actions. Understad your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny. In a very poetic way, the author is stating that your thoughts will…
Not Of This World
A few weeks ago my mom got me this really cool t-shirt by “Not Of This World“. Apparently, it’s this Christian apparel company. I recognized the logo, I’d seen it pasted onto the bumper of cars before, but I confess, I’d never knew what the logo meant until now. I always wondered what that little…