Come All You Who Are Weary - To All You Princesses (

Come All You Who Are Weary And Have Faith

I’ve been thinking about faith lately. With all the things happening in the world these days, I am grateful to know Christ. But even more so, I am thankful I can put my faith in Christ! I think about those who don’t have a relationship with God. Outside of Christ, people have faith, hope, and love but their version is shakable, measurable, flimsy, and can be overcome by fear. There is no rest for their souls. Only in Christ do we have this rest and reassurance that all is not lost and God is with us in all things.

iHonor Series: iHonor Myself

iHonor Myself

I bring to you the last part of the iHonor Series – iHonor Myself. So far we have covered honoring God and others. Though all of the honor you give is almost always three-dimensional, I will be focusing on not so much how, but why to honor your own being – body, soul and spirit…

Restored Family

God Wants to Restore Your Family

“God Wants to Restore Your Family” is what I posted on Instagram this week. Now when I say “restore,” I’m not talking about just bringing separated parents back together or siblings moving back home, although I’m not saying He won’t do that either. I believe God wants to do something deeper than just physically restoring…