This morning was wild. I woke-up with my mom telling me she had to take my godmother to the hospital because she was experiencing extreme vertigo. Five hours later, my mom returned only to get a phone call from my grandma telling us she thought she might be having a stroke. It turns out she wasn’t, thank God, however she was beginning to have pain due to a side-effect of a new medication. Then, I got a newsletter from my small group leader telling me his father had passed away.
This all happened before 2pm.
I couldn’t help but think, what more bad news was I going to hear today? Could it get any worse?
Actually, what’s crazy, is that it could become worse.
I almost believed my day was going to be like those movies where bad things kept happening, like in “A Series of Unfortunate Events” or “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day“.
But as I was fearfully thinking of what else could go wrong, a thought suddenly popped in my head: What about the Good News?
I knew it was God…
“What good news? I heard nothing good today, God. This morning has been filled with nothing but bad news!”
“What about the Good News, daughter?”
“Oh, you mean THAT good news. Well, yes I know, Jesus died and rose and those who believe are saved.”
“There is more to it than that.”
As I sat there on my bed, God began to show me what is really enclosed in this packet of “Good News”. Between by bible and Google, I discovered the Good News is actually the promise of love, the promise of protection, the act of God’s sacrifice for the sake of humanity knowing their Father again, the salvation and deliverance from a life of sin and immortality, it’s a release of freedom. It’s truth. It’s the hope of a future.
I asked Him, “Lord, why did you show me this today?”
“Because you have forgotten that I love, daughter… I love my children so much that I sent my son to die on a cross for their freedom. Do you think I don’t have your family and friends in my hands at this very moment? Do you think their situation is really out of my control?”
That stung just a bit, but when God gives us an answer, He always does it in love and truth.
God Cares About It All
Today, when all seemed at chaotic, God reminded me He was STILL in control. He reminded me of what His son did, of the peace He is giving to my godmother, my grandma and my group leader. He reminded me that I can trust Him with them, because He loves faithfully.
Lord knows, sometimes I forget who He is and what He has done, I tend to make mistakes, I get stressed, worried, and anxious over trivial things that He has already taken care of, and yet, despite it all, He isn’t scorning me. He cares about me. But that’s who He is though! A God who cares about the little things and big things in our life that we care about. He is not off somewhere far, hovering high above us, looking down with binoculars on the tiny people He created. No way, José! Our God is closer than our breath and sweeter than a song. He is Emmanuel, God With Us.
I needed to be reminded of this today, Princesses because this morning I was feeling hopeless as I kept hearing that those I love are hurting.
Yet, the Good News is He loves them MORE than I love them, and as He is here with me, speaking truth to this heart of mine, He is with those I love and comforting them.
Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Taste and See That The Lord Is Good
That’s the Good News, princesses! That we are loved by this amazing God who cares about us and who wants to be apart of our lives. Wow, isn’t that incredible?
As God reminded me today, I want to remind you that God is with you and He is on your side (Psa 118:6). I have no clue what your morning was like, but if it was anything like mine, my heart goes out to you, but be encouraged dear princesses, for your life is not lost in the archives in heaven. God is there with you and He is NOT going to leave you. He hears you clearly, even the unspoken, hushed, prayers in your heart. Do you not know they are important to Him? There may be darkness on all sides, but remember who is your Way, your Truth, and your Light!
If I have learned anything today, it’s no matter what happens, every day is GOOD because the Lord made it.
If I am thankful for nothing else, I am thankful to be loved by God and saved by grace.
If this day had more bad news in store, I know with no doubt, that God will still be in control and in Him, there is always life.
This is my hope. This is my Good News.
With love,
p.s. God has been bringing Psalm 91 to my attention a lot lately. It’s an amazing scripture about His protection but one part that really stands out to me is verse 11, “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” I wanted to share that with you today and remind you that you are supernaturally protected! Your angels watch and guard you wherever you are.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.