It’s been on my heart recently to talk to you girls about your grades. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college I want you to know that your grades do not define you.

Your Grades Do Not Define You - To All You Princesses (

I’ve talked to girls who are so stressed about their grades they have trouble sleeping at night. They need that A+. Yet, the reason is always different. Sometimes, they want to have better grades than their friends, or they stress because they feel the weight of the pressure their parents put on them, and other times because they want to go to certain universities or colleges and unfortunately, you need near-perfect scores to get there.

The problem is, for some girls, the grades they receive on tests or report cards have become an almost direct link to how they value themselves and how they measure their worth.

I received 100%, therefore I am 100%. I am smart, successful, worthy and a champion.


I received 60%, therefore I am 60%. I am stupid, lazy, ashamed and a failure.

Princesses, what’s going on? When did grades tell you who you are and who you are not? When did a test score start telling you what you are and are not capable of doing?


My friend told me this story recently. A women was the finalist on a voice competition show. They invited her dad up on stage and said to him, “Aren’t you so proud of your daughter? She’s the finalist on this show. Isn’t she so amazing?” He said to them, “I’ve been proud of her since she was born and I am proud of her now.”

Later, she wins the show and again they invite her dad on stage and they said to him, “Wow! Your daughter is winner of this competition. She is the champion of this nation. Isn’t she incredible?” He simply responded, “She has been a champion since she was born.

That’s the Father’s heart for you.

No matter what pressure you feel, I want you to know that there is a God who loves you, who approves of you, who says you are a champion, and it’s simply because you were born. Your worth is not defined by a number, but by His love.

On another note, if you are stressed out, take it to Jesus. Just yesterday I was worrying about my future, and I almost cried because I felt really stressed. This morning, I went on a walk and I brought these things to Jesus, then listened. Slowly, He revealed to me what was going on in my heart and gave me answers to why I was worrying, then He told me to remember His faithfulness and to trust Him today. I’m so grateful to God. My mind feels way more at peace than yesterday, and it’s because He reminded me I don’t have to do this alone and even if I can’t see the way or the how He is going to lead me through it (Zech. 4:6).

It’s the same with your school.

Don’t try to do this alone. Put your heart into it, give it your all, then let go and give it to God. At the end of the day, you have to know whatever happens, He’s with you in the little things and the big things.

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
Philippeans 4:13

There are going to be people who will demand perfection from you and expect you to always have that 100%, and let’s be honest, sometimes that person is you. What I’ve learned is that all you can do is your very best. You are going to mess up, fail, get it wrong, but that’s okay. You can do all things in excellence but not perfection. The main thing that matters is that you know God is on your side, that you do all things for Him and not for people (Col. 3:23), and no matter what, you know you are loved and it’s because you are you.


“Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:31

Love you girls. I just felt like I needed to write this to you today. Relax, breathe, receive God’s grace, and SMILE. God loves you. :)

With love,