I remember this time when I went to a women’s conference with my grandma. I was 15 and during the last night, God put it on the pastor’s heart to minister to every person who came to the conference. It took hours. When my turn came, she told me something I have never forgotten. She said God calls all of us to different things. Some are called to be a pastor, musician, missionary, writer, etc. However, she said that there are some whom God has called to do many things in their life. She told me that I was one of those people and that I would not be able to accomplish any of these things by my own, but that I would need God to do them. She told me to always remember that.

Overwhelmed Girl looking at booksLately princesses, I have been overwhelmed with all that God has called me to do. I have found that I have been comparing what God has gifted me to do, with what other people are doing, and have been feeling inadequate in comparison. My thoughts sound like this, “Wow they sound like that? I really should work harder, because I know I don’t sound like that.” or “They are so good in this! I wish I was better in that.” The problem here is, with all the things I felt I needed to work harder or get better in, I have become so overwhelmed by a feeling of hopelessness about my future, I have begun to stop trying… and isn’t that just what the enemy wants?

I decided I needed to really talk to God about this. This burden was just too much to carry on my shoulders. I was honest with Him and told Him I was really overwhelmed and was feeling anxious by all these areas He has called me to. I was not sure that I could even do any of it and maybe someone else would be better. Then I stopped talking because it was time to listen. That is what I was here with Him for anyway, to hear what He had to say about this.

Then I heard it. His voice. He spoke to me, so sweetly and softly, as he usually does and He said that I was right. I was absolutely right, I could not do this… not without Him. He told me I was thinking of all these things I had to do but in my own strength, in my own skills and talents, and forgetting about adding Him to the equation. He told me that all these gifts are from Him, and no, I cannot do it by myself, but with Him, I am fully equipped and able to accomplish everything He has put in my life to do (Zech. 4:6.) Princesses, I felt such a relief in that moment.

Girl in Purple Lilac Flowers in Meadow

There is nothing God asks us to do that we cannot do through Him.

I may not be the best at writing, web design, languages or even with playing music, but I do not have to be. What I do need to be is God’s daughter, able to rely on my Father in everything I do. My expectations I have for myself need to change. My goal should not be to become the “best”, but to know how to “rest”. God is not looking for perfection, but for children with eyes upon Him who need His grace in their lives.

Yes, I have so much to do right now, and my to-do list keeps getting longer, but through God, I know I can do all things. (Phil. 4:13) This will probably not be the end of the enemy trying to discourage me about my future, but like the pastor told me at that women’s conference, I am not supposed to accomplish my dreams by myself. In order to do all the amazing things God has promised I would do, I am going to need God’s strength, His wisdom, His courage, His guidance and His love. (Isa. 41:10) I am amazed how God works. I know this world praises independence, but in God’s kingdom, dependance on Him is the way to freedom. (Matt. 19:26) The more we need Him, and welcome Him in our lives, the more He takes weight off of us, so that we can fly.

Girl Flying and LeapingGod asks us to rest in Him (Matt. 11:28-30), to trust Him and give our burdens and worries to Him. It is not so He can control us, for love does not control but gives the freedom to choose. He waits for us to come to Him. It is always our choice first.

Princesses, if you are like me and have been feeling really stressed and overwhelmed about the future, I just want to encourage you to talk to God and let Him into that area in your life. He does not bring shame. God will not condemn you because you are not “perfect”, or are struggling with doubt about His word or even the calling He has placed on your life. He absolutely loves you, where you are right now, today, in this moment. He knows you and what you are really battling in your thoughts better than anybody else. Talk to Him. Then listen to Him. We have a really amazing Father princesses, and the gift of freedom He has for you is so worth taking the time to have that conversation.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.