We are now at the last post for the series “Dealing with Rejection”. Click HERE to view the full series. Rejection can be your protection. Understanding that rejection is not always an “attack” against you can help you to see it as an opportunity, and ultimately as God’s protection in your life. Surprisingly, rejection can…
Dealing with Rejection (Part 2)
Last week, we took a look at how rejection can be an invitation to Christ, knowing the door to Him is always open. If you missed that post, you can read it HERE. This week, we are going to explore how to keep your identity secure and strong when faced with the winds of rejection.…
Dealing with Rejection (Part 1)
Today I am going to start a new series called “Dealing with Rejection”. Rejection has many faces. It showed itself in the moment you discovered the school application you sent out was denied. When your friends made plans and forgot to invite you. When your crush ignored your friend request on Facebook. When you were…